gram and her economic survival. London must think twice before resigning to some international body its sovereignty in a matter of such national moment. So that instead of releasing a...
Life in the Soviet Zone Behind the Iron Curtain, Germans have learned the hard way what liberty really means. By ALFRED FRISCH THE lack of exact and revealing information on Eastern...
FROM GERMANY 'The Ami'—a Picasso Portrait occupation power that is, of course, an annoyance, a people beyond the ocean whose politics are of vital interest but rather incomprehensible, and...
Communications The Fifty Thousand Washington, D. C. TO the Editors: I have read with extreme interest the editorial entitled "The Fifty Thousand," which appears in the May 19 issue of The...
The Screen MURDER WILL OUT A ¦ ^HERE'S nothing like an exciting melodrama to let A you release pent-up aggressions, and if this melodrama also has a sparkle of intelligence, it can give...
Of Note Religious Unity and Intolerance THE April-May double issue of Blackfriars (St. Giles, Oxford, England) has the title "The Spirit of Unity." One of the articles is by the Rev....
If You Love Me, Frown By BERNARD RAYMUND MISS MURCHISON had come up behind Ellis Baber's desk before he could turn back to the theorem they were all supposed to be studying. He heard her...
Lonely Shepherd By JOHN COGLEY AFTER The Heart of the Matter appeared in 1948 one American critic, the Benedictine nun Mariella Gable, said that the book had expanded the boundaries of the...
Book; The Grand Alliance. Winston S. Churchill. H ought on Mifflin. $6.00. THE world is by now well aware of its good fortune in having the man who directed the magnificent British war...