..... The ....... COMMONWEAL ? VOLU~S L September 16, 1949 NUI~.R 23 Ill I I ! THE WEEK 547 THE ARGENTINE PICTURE Charles Henry Lee 550 DE SENECTUTE Walter O'Hearn 553 LOS ANGELES DRIVES...
The Argentine Picture An attempt to assay both the virtues and failings of the Peron regime Charles Henr~ Lee N 'OTHING has served to confuse the political observer of Argen, fina more flaan...
September x 6, x 94.9 THE COMMONWEAL 553 the judiciary, and sound economic tenets have been skillfully castrated until they are no longer vital forces. The Opposition is indeed a voice crying in...
September I6, 1949 THE 'COMMONWEAL 555 tached sensuosity, it seems to me---a contemplation of the sensuous strivings of the past and of his own age, strivings in which he hesitated to join....
September 16, 1949 THE COMMONWEAL 557 Communications Voluntary Hospital Plans Washington, D. C. T O the Editors: As one of the advocates of the national health insurance bill I must agree...
558 THE COMMONWEAL September 16, 1949 The Labor Movement Taking Issue with Mr. Benvenisti I N THE August 26 issue of THE COMMONWEAL, J. L. Benvenisti has contributed another of his...
September I6, x949 THE COMMONWEAL 559 help. But still it is our .hope and our prayer that "leadership" will arise and that the dements of our problem may quite suddenly become intensely vivid...
560 THE COMMONWEAL September t 6, 1949 d the Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia (Augusta, Gt~rgia) describes .that Order's way of life: Since the Trappists maintain themselves by...
562 THE COMMONWEAL September 16, 1949 Books same time he was also a charlatan and this gives Strindberg, the man and the poet, his ambiguous face. MAX FISCHER. The Strange Li[e o[ dugust...