COMMONWEAL . [i i i ,. | . ~ VOLUME L SePtember 9, 1949 NUMBER 22 THE WEEK 523 PANAMA CANAL PROSPECT Arthur Stanley Riggs 526 AN EMPLOYER WITH IDEAS Will Lissner 529 THOREAU AND THE STATE C....
Panama Canal Prospect A case for the Terminal Lake plan in opposition to a sea-level route Arthur Stanley Riggs I T WOULD BE extraordinarily difficult if not impossible to find any problem...
September 9, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 5"9 ever additional mi~llions might be considered necessary to indemnify Panama for our encroachments. Moreover, the Terminal Lake plan calls for the...
53 ~ THE COMMONWEAL September 9, r949 and you'll pay strike losses too," he explained. "Pay what the business reasonably can afford, and share the excess profit--when you've got i t m above a...
September 9, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 533 tude to take. kF'e do not and cannot have an intuitive perception of the mystery of life in the same sense that we, as a group, carry on a defensive war...
534 THE COMMONWEAL September 9, 1949 9ressed the Catholic Church but because he transformed Germany by means of 'blood and iron' into a centralist and nationalist colossus." China's...
September 9, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 535 that the liturgical chant of the Pinna Catholics is beautiful and in many ways typically Albanian: "Vespers were sung entirely in Greek and in accordance...
536 THE COMMONWEAL September 9, 1949 immigrants (and the audience too) might be attracted. This criticism cannot 'be made of the Italian picture, "The Earth Cries Out'" which handles a...