The COMMONWEAL i VOLUME L Yune 3, 1949 NU~B~ 8 J i |1 THE WEEK 187 AS SARDINIA GOES . . . ? Leo J. Wollemboro 190 DID THEY KNOW IT WAS LOADED? James Rorty 194 THE MOTIVES BEHIND THE...
As Sardinia G o e s . . . ? Extremists gain, Moderates lose ground in Italian regional election Leo J. Wolleraborg T HE RESULTS of the regional elections held on May 8 in the island of...
x94 THE COM preferred to leave to the judgment of posterity." Today, organized neo-fascism, as such, is still a comparatively minor movementmthough the elections for the students' councils at...
The Motives Behind the Labor Party Program Nationalization in Britain--a question of efficiency or power? ,I. L. Benvenisti I N THE May issue of Atlantic Monthly there appeared an article...
x98 THE COMMONWEAL June 3, I949 now entrenched in the Labor Party was bound to come sooner or later. It was the slow drift of our time in a certain direction, brought about by another equally...
200 THE COMMONWEAL June 3, x949 Catholic International News dap Villages Ask ]or Priests T HE POPULARITY of the Catholic Church in Japan outside of its traditional center in the Nagasaki...
June 3, ~949 THE COMMONWEAL 2Ol The Screen Imports E VEN WHEN OUR screens are not showing firstrate European films, we realize that we are fortunate in bring able to see movies from abroad....
z o z THE COMMONWEAL June 3, t 9 4 9 This one frequently over set'In the bottom. Its only' j~stification is in its stirring indictment of war and the moral confusion that follows. It is...
204 T H E C O M M O N W E A L June 3, i949 writings of Catholics. The danger of a purely pietistic, apologetic approach in Catholic education and the writings of Catholics 'has been widely...