I i The COMMONWEAL I I I II voLu~ L Yu/3, 15, 1949 suMmm 14 I I I THE WEEK 331 FREE AIR OR HOT AIR? Edward J. tieffron 334 MR. GOODWIN VISITS THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE John Cogley...
Free A ir or Hot A it? A recent FCC ruling affects editori. alizing and free speech on the radio Edward d. Hebron 6 6 r'I['3HIS IS THE greatest single victory in I behalf of freedom of...
[336 ] THE COMMONWEAL July I5, x949 dtizens--to I4o,ooo,ooo, not a mere 3,ooo. Some limitations on this freedom are inescapable-thus Justice Holmes said that one is not free to shout Fire in a...
July I5, x949 THE COMMONWEAL [339] bus. "Well, they won't get anything from me. Man wants to eat, man ought to work. That's in the Bible." "They do work," I told him. I tried to explain Saint...
34o THE COMMONWEAL July 15, x949 Church. It was not fear but the fulness of his Christian commitment which prompted his thoughts, his words and his acts. And the poor knew it. During that cold...
July 15, 1949 THE COMMONWEAL 34x the frivolous and the deluded, and that the serious and determined will thereby see that they do not work for such a period of time for nothing. I am earnestly...
34z THE COMMONWEAL July 15, x949 seen. Without being obvious or preachy, and without trying to tackle all the problems connected with Negroes in the United States, it is a tremendous step forward...
July 15, I949 THE COMMONWEAL tine has gone on; the bell of the porteria ringing all day, crowds thronging the altar rails, the shuttleservice of the confessionals; the night prayers...
344 THE COMMONWEAL July I $, I949 such Bishop's statement's for political purposes. "The Church," the pastor stated, "wants the Word of God to have a place in pt~blic life. The Church...