_9 The COMMONWEAL iii voL~s ]~ May 13, 1949 >ro~szR 5 i i i i i i THE WEEK 107 CALIFORNIA--PENSION P~RAblSE Harry W. Ftannery 110 SIGNS OF A RENAISSANCE John ,4. V. Burke 113 JAPANESE...
California-Pension Paradise Letting the tax bureau 'honor thy father and thy mother' Harry IV. Flannery C ALIFORNIA has a new pension controversy. Last November, to the surprise of its...
May I3,, 1949 THE COMMONWEAL 113 Broadcasts are made from Sacramento and also from a modern sound-proof and well-equipped studio in the basement of the Grand Avenue building. The radio programs...
Japanese Election The contest in Japan is crucial in a revolutionary Far East Lafe Franklin Allen TN CHIN.4, the success of the Chinese Corn1 munists marks the failure of American...
May 13, 1949 THE COMMONWEAL I I 9 The Labor Movement A Union Debate on The Nation T HE HALL was packed. The debate went along in orderly fashion. In fact, the c~airman, as 'he admitted later,...
I20 THE COMMONWEAL May 13, 1949 Catholic International News The Church in Viet.Nam T HE PARTICIPATION of Catholics in Viet-Nam with the large majority of their non-Catholic countrymen in a...
May 13 , I949 THE COMMONWEAL zzI The Screen Life's What You Make It I T'S FUN TO see Ginger Rogers and Fred Astalre together again even in plot formula number 52 about the married theatrical...
r22 THE COMMONWEAL May I3, I949 needs materhI; and I guess die mermaid motif doesn't supply it either in Hollywood or abroad. "'The Guiana Pig" starts out extremely well wi~ a fine cast and...
May x3, I949 THE COMMONWEAL I25 into "secularization." We .have onty to compare our century with the eighteenth and early nineteenth to realize how inaccurate the assumption is that we are...
Malt 13, t949 TH E Books COMMONWEAL Britoz Hadden. Noel F. Busch. Farrar, 8traus. ~3.oo. I T IS A qaestio~ ~r gives a better picture of a man - - a biography which is conscientiously...
132 THE COMMONWEAL May 13, 1949 Newt Week ITALIAN DEAD END by Peter Thompson, currently a field worker in the UNRRA "Casas" program: " . . . Cartullo was badly wounded in the war. He sleeps...