The COMMONWEAL VOLUME XLIX February 11, 1949 NUMBER 'i8 THE WEEK 435 THE HINT OF AN EXPLANATION Graham Greene 438 EUROPE NOW Erik yon Kuehnelt-Leddihn 442 COMMUNICATIONS 446 The Outstretched...
The Hint of an Explanation Graham Greene A LONG train journey on a late December evening, in this new version of peace, is a dreary experience. I suppose that my fellow-traveler and I could...
442 THE COMMONWEAL February I I , 1949 Mass, the priest bending over me, Blacker's grin. I laid the packet on the chair by my bed and tried to go to sleep, but I was haunted by the shadows on...
446 THE COMMONWEAL February I I, I949 Communications THE OUTSTRETCHED FIST Kansas City, Mo. T O the Editors: Mr. Philip Burnham's article on The Nation in the current issue of THE COMMONWEAL...
February II, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 447 It has been especially difficult to obtain such documents for the earlier years of the college's history, from I859 to x9oo. If any of your readers have...
448 T H E C O M M O N W E A L February I I, I949 deal including helmets and a lovely arrangement of flying cardboard fish, one gets the impression that everyone is too utterly bored to explore...
February II, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 449 {I GATI-I~ NEWs'iNTERNATIONALI] _9 i . t ] Him i , . - W h a t Is People's Democracy? s s EOPLE'$ democracy" in the East European couni . tries is...
45 ~ THE COMMONWEAL February I I , I949 OF NOTE Reason and Love The Month, published by,~-the English Jesuits and available from British Publications, Inc., 15o East 35th Street, New York 16,...
February I i , I949 THE COMMONWEAL 45x Boo ks Trans[ormation In Christ. On the Christian Attitude of Mind. Dietrich yon Hildebrand. Longmans. $4.50. H ILDEBRAND needs no recommendation for...