T he COMMONWEAL ,,,, ,, VOLUME XLIX January 28, 1949 NUMBF..R 16 THE WEEK 387 ITALY, 1949: STILL COASTING ALONG? Leo J. Wollembor9 380 A VOICE FROM ST. LOUIS Edward F. Meagher...
Italy, 1949: Still Coasting Along? Necessary reforms are still to be carried out Leo .l. Wollemborg D URING the first months of I948, Italy was featured in our press, day after day, as the...
394 THE COMMONWEAL January 28, 1949 A Voice From St. Louis EDWARD F. MEAGHER T HE EDITORS OF America, on December I8, I948, published an article entitled "DDay for Ariel." "Ariel," in this...
396 THE C O M philosophers: he was eager and happy to learn from Scotus, and Hopkins himself became a scrupulously exact, contemplative artist-philosopher: his art alone is sufficient evidence...
398 THE COMMONWEAL J a n u a r y 28, 1949 The Poor Clares of Rome recently have made a special appeal for funds to carry on their work among the destitute. All remittances should be made out to...
January z8, t 9 4 9 THE COMMONWEAL 399 G.,4 THOL1G 1NTERNd TIONAL NEWS The Indonesian Catholics T HE religious map of Indonesia is almost as varied and confusing as the political, racial, and...
4o0 THE COMMONWEAL January 28, x949 The Screen Varied Program Command Decision A S A FILM "Command Decision" is not as forceful as it was on the stage; and this is not because scriptwriters...
4o0 THE COMMONWEAL January 28, x949 The Screen Varied Program Command Decision A S A FILM "Command Decision" is not as forceful as it was on the stage; and this is not because scriptwriters...
January 28, z949 THE COMMONWEAL 4Ol ance that it is as down-to-earth as the diapers which Dorothy washed for her grandson Eric. She is a mystic, but not misty-eyed. She devotes several pages to...
402 THE COMMONWEAL January 28, 1949 heresy among younger Bostonians: that the Hub has long since creaked in premonition of the fate of the wonderful one-horse shay. He divides his selections from...