VOLUME XLIX lanuary 7, 1949 Nuumm 13 THE WEEK 315 DEMOCRATIZING JAPAN Richard L-G. DeveraU 318 IN TUA VOLUNTATE (Verse) Alastalr 14. R. Miller 321 O MORNING STARS...
Democratizing Japan?
Richard L-G. Deverall S INCE the coming of the occupation, there is no word more widely used in Japan than "democracy." Yet whether or not it is understood is another...
January 7, I949 THE COMMONWEAL 32x tion, the Communists made a mistake when they attacked the emperor system, but that was soon 0 Morning Stars dropped when they realized that the average...
tion, the Communists made a mistake when they attacked the emperor system, but that was soon 0 Morning Stars dropped when they realized that the average Japanese was wedded to the emperor system...
324 THE COMMONWEAL January 7, 1949 tdAT'HoLI'C INTERNATIONilLI[ NEWS Catholic Clergy Under Attack in Czechoslovakia Rome, 12/23 (cm)--As a result of a trial before the Czechoslovak State Court...
T STAr/'ISM Washington, D. C. O the Editors: It is generally fruitless for a re-viewer to attempt to defend his review (THE COM- MO:~WEAL, November 5th) of a book by arguing...
328 THE COMMONWEAL January 7, 1949 ahead and establish the Federal system. The Indonesians, according to the Dutch, are outstandingly non-political, and, were the Federal system to be established,...
January 7, x949 THE COMMONWEAL The Screen
Why Hollywood Is Worried y EAR'S END usually finds a critic swamped by the large number of films being rushed into theaters. Instead of...
The Hollow o[ the Wave. Edward Newhouse. 8loane. T $3.50. HIS novel is a follow my-leader of disenchanted worldly babes who wander in and out of different beds. In that cauldron of...