THE WEEK Too Many Cooks? AT THE CLOSING session of his party's (the M.R.P.) district congress, Premier Robert Schumann's proposal of a three power settlement, which suggests a French adhesion to...
The Tragedy of the Masaryks Austrian Idealism on Czech Realism Ernst Karl Winter THE NAME Masaryk has been a shibboleth of "progressivism" in two world wars. It may well be worthwhile to look at...
Catholicism and Puritanism YOUR Excellency, Right Reverend Monsig-nori, Ladies and Gentlemen: I have long felt that writers should be read and not heard. I can only explain my presence here on the...
Communications TWO RECENT communications from friends of the magazine on current political matters should be of special interest. The first from an American priest in Rome reflects the increasing...
The Stage Macbeth THEATRE INC.'S production of the Scottish Ttragedy is Stevenson-Shakespeare and as such, I think it's fine. Somehow or other, Paul Sheriff's designs and Norris Houghton's...
THE SCREEN Still Current WHAT WITH the strike in the printing trades, my column was thrown off schedule for several weeks. Lucky you, who could select movies without any dictation from a bossy...
Books Two Quiet Lives: Dorothy Osborne, Thomas Gray. Lord David Cecil. Bobbs. $3.00. LORD DAVID CECIL is one of those admirable writers, not uncommon in England, who can speak impressively without...
The Inner Forum THE MONKS of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Trappist, Kentucky, have recently brought out an illustrated booklet describing their silent way of life. Interest in the community has...