VOLUME XLtX December 31, 1948 NUMBER 12 THE WEEK 291 THE GERMANS REPLY Dorothy Thompson 294 THE ACTU AND ITS CRITICS George A. Kelly 298 THE BOOK OF RUTH (Verse) Jessica...
The Germans Reply
Letters to Dorothy Thompson T WO weeks ago we published an article by Dorothy Thompson which appeared in October in Die Amerikanische Rundschau and later in Die Neue...
guments are ill-founded. For a very long time the higher schools have ceased to De class schools, and war and collapse have removed the last vestige of such a basis. The concept of the "rich" as...
3oa THE COMMONWEAL December 31, x948 ^CTU has no theoretical objection to the admission of non-Catholics to membership. As a matter of fact, the ACTU provides an "associate member-ship" to...
THE COMMONWEAL IN INDONESIA Jog jakarta Republic of Indonesia T O the Editors: Enclosed is a letter from Monsignor Soegiopranoto, Bishop of Semarang and presently leader...
December 3t, x948 THE COMMONWEAL Trends such as these fit creatively in the democratic and peaceful world order. It is our belief that in all d_'mocratic countries groups will gladly form to...
3o6 THE COMMONWEAL December 31, x948 there would be representatives of organized labor, farm- ers, consumers, industrial management and Government." Finally, "the planning and administrative...
3o6 THE COMMONWEAL December 31, x948 there would be representatives of organized labor, farm- ers, consumers, industrial management and Government." Finally, "the planning and administrative...
Books apt quotations and lucid judgments, his emphasis on cul-tural rather than econotnic forces. As a result the vast M Yeats:. The if[an and The Alasks. Richard Ellmann. Alacmillan. $5.o0....