I /1, :x4 b" A t vocu]az xLv February28, 1947 ~u~uEr 20 TttE WEEK 483 PERON'S SCRAPS OF PAPER Ernesto Luciani 487 TIIE HEADLINES (Verse) John Frederick Nims 488 A NOTE ON...
Peron's Scraps of Paper Why the Argentine dictator is dilatory on Chapultepec Etw##to LwciHl W " HETHER or not the most famous exam- ple of the classic dilemma between con-crete...
THE COMMONWEAL February z8, I947 could run the Argentine witt, an iron hand as if it were one of the Central American countries. The only result of United States diplomacy in this matter has...
A Note on anti-Communism A positive program and the American Catholic press Edward Skillin, Jr. I T WAS TOO LATE to duck behind a pillar; my talkative friend hadspotted me and was striding...
February 28, x947 THE COM what you think of what somebody else is doing; they want to know what you have to say for your- self, what you yourself propose to do about thi'n'~;think--" I can agree...
THE COMMONWEAL February 28, I947 writing seemed to me profoundly moving. At this moment, the business quite suddenly took on the large dimension, the human significance, beyond the records. But...
February 28, z947 THE COMMONWEAL picture is no "midsummer night's dream." It is mainly concerned with a tiresome, cross-country chase that tries to be very funny, but succeeds more often in being...
THE COMMONWEAL February 28, x947 schools ("Americans upstairs, Mexicans in the basement") the police sitting quietly while the colored are forcibly prevented from voting--has happened, over and...
February aS, z947 THE COMMONWEAL The Labor Movement Sometimes You Make Mistakes S OMETIMES it is difficult to know what to do. You cannot always ask a priest. And if you do ask a...
The Labor Movement Sometimes You Make Mistakes S OMETIMES it is difficult to know what to do. You cannot always ask a priest. And if you do ask a priest, it is possible that even he...
round and round like a ball in a groove, and it seemed to him that the prospect of death was the only thing which made life bearable. Then Mr. Randal looked up. He felt an unfamiliar sensation in...