The General and the Bomb LIKE A child dragging a toy train on a string along the sidewalk—the child looks back and the train has overturned—the General in peace time parades his tanks over the...
New Melting Pot? Suggestions for a British Ellis Island /. L. Benvenisti ANY LOVER of Britain must at the moment be asking himself some very searching questions. It it obvious that...
Empire in Crisis What the British face the four seas over Luigi Sturxo WINSTON CHURCHILL, in one of his spontaneous outbursts, once said that he had not become prime minister to...
Recent Conversions DOROTHY THOMPSON THE INCREASING number of influential Americans who have joined or are taking instructions in preparation for joining the Catholic Church is certainly a...
Communications FOOD FOR EUROPE AND ASIA 112 E. 19 St., New York, N. Y. TO the Editors: The Post War World Council is circulating the following petition for a generous relief policy in...
600 The Labor Movement Intriguing Is the Word AT A RECENT session with newsmen President Truman reported that he had had "a pleasant conference" with John L. Lewis and William L....
Books of the Week Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man, Mat hew B. Brady. Roy Meredith. Scribner't. $7.50. IN THE YEARS before the Civil War that unforgettable photographer Mathew Brady wa» dining...