U. S. Stake One Place and Another THE SUNDAY, March 10, edition of PM, Marshal Field's dehydrated tabloid, gives a feature page to the China - USA - USSR situation, now so dangerously approaching...
The Atom at Nurnberg Men's Safety and man's salvation Percy Winner THE OVERTONES of unreality which per-sistently echoed through the proceedings of the war guilt trial at Nurnberg would not have...
Our Dire Need for Diversity Press, radio and films move toward monopoly Harry Lorin Binsse IS THE American public adequately informed concerning the events and issues of the world in which we...
The Stage & Screen Three to Make Ready OPERATING, presumably, on the principle that a revue should offer a cast of bright performers running throughout an array of sketches and musical numbers,...
The Open City WITHOUT any doubt, the most extraordinary movie on our screens today is "Open City." This forceful Italian film proves again that the power of cinema lies not in glossy production or...
Systematic Politics JAMES MacGREGOR BYRNE ON NO subject is the average man of today more ready to pontificate than on politics. One of the most remarkable phenomena of our age is that although we...
The Labor Movement The Fight for Ford 600 THE LARGEST local union in the world is probably Local 600 of the United Auto Workers, CIO, the giant Ford local in Detroit. And once again it has become...
More Books of the Week The Wildcatters. Samuel W. Tait, Jr. Princeton. $3.00. HERE IS a book packed with interesting facts. But Chapter II, entitled "Poor Man's Paradise," was my special delight....
582 The Inner Forum In the Benedictine Spirit THE FIRST issue of The Benedictine Review, published twice a year at Mt. St. Scholastics College of Atchison, Kansas has recently appeared. Its...