State Department's Argentine Blue Book CONDITIONED as they are by the inadequate reports they publish from the Argentine, a large portion of our newspapers acclaimed the 40,000-word...
The Short Case George H. Dunne SOMETIMES one wonders about tears— about the power of tears, the unpredictability of tears, the function of tears, the good of tears. Mr. Ted Le Berthon had...
From San Francisco to London GEORGE CATLIN ON A recent visit to the Central Hall, Westminster, I mounted the stairs of that sober building to the public galleries and sat next to a Negro...
500 Poems on Postcards "I was rather difficult to handle. . . . I received singing lessons in my spare time in the choir.... My father could not appreciate the talent of his quarrelsome...
Communications DISPLACED PERSONS The following letter was recently sent in mimeographed form to a number of publications as well as to all Congressmen and Senators. It bore the signatures of...
5°5 The Screen Facts Can Be Fun WHEN BRIDGE PLAYERS finally realized, during those early days of contract bridge, that every hand is not a slam hand, they learned to relax, enjoy the game...
506 The Labor Movement Strikes and a Law AS THIS is written New York City is convalescing from a combination of convulsions, paralysis, chill* and fever brought on by the ten-day tugboat strike...
507 Books of the Week Soviet Politics at Home and Abroad. Frederick L. Schuman. Knopf. $4.00. A TRANSLATION of Frederick L. Schuman's book JLX could not appear in the Soviet Union. The...
The Inner Forum Good Friday and Anti-Semitism IN THE Archdiocese of Cincinnati an effort was recently made to find out whether Catholic teaching as to the responsibility of the Jews for the...