A Moment for Taking Stock AS THE army, air and naval forces of the United States and Britain converge upon the Japanese areas in the Pacific, it is propitious to decide exactly what our future role...
Background of a Conference How old problems trouble world labor unity R. P. Walsh The three articles which follow give a full account of the international labor meeting in London which held its...
6o THE COMMONWEAL Jane 1, 1945 principally Toledano, and the advocates of some system that would be fair to all, big and small. The victory was for the small nations and it was won by the CIO. The...
164 THE COMMONWEAL June I, 1945 the delegates as well as the next man, agreed in substance with the idea of forming a larger federation, but opposed immediate and final action. If they had wanted...
June I, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 165 for a new World Labor Organization, a representative of the AFL appeared as an observer, and as such will attend the meetings which are scheduled for Paris next...
June I, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 167 Several millions of these ex-servicemen will inevitably be guided by Catholic leadership. Father Coughlinsclerical and lay—will reappear on the scene. Will they lead...
i68 THE COMMONWEAL June I, 1945 hope is still alive. After the hard winter, spring seems to foretell a turn for the better; but with that season, the poorly fed Tucker boy comes down with pellagra....
June i, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 169 Russia. He switched over from the infantry in the late 30%. He leaves the limelight to his aces, but his recognition of the limited potentialities of Russian plane...