Russia TN LONDON General Eisenhower said some things about the Russians which we hope will be read, marked and inwardly digested by Messrs. Hearst, McCormick, Howard and the rest of those who...
230 THE COMMONWEAL June 22, 1945 Socialism: EnglishVersion EGBERT MUNZER TN NO country of the world was scientific socialism in greater disrepute than in England, the motherland of modern...
Austrian Reconstruction An Austrian indicates the policy America and Britain should pursue Ernst Karl Winter T HE VERY existence of a new Austria depends on constructive cooperation between the...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 235 ican is extremely conscious of discrimination because race distinction does not exist in Mexico. The Mexican cannot reconcile the fact that the United States is the...
238 THE COMMONWEAL June 22, 1945 stand, and condemns all errors, from whatever source, impartially. Such Catholics fail to see that the one-sided view to which an understandable desire to manifest...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 239 The Stage & Screen Concert Varieties I THINK if I were more learned in the history of the 1 great days of vaudeville, I would be better able to assess its...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 239 The Wonder Boys IN THIS week's bill, three of Hollywood's leading males are starred in three very different pictures. You better be sure, before you go, that you...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 241 We must take what comes. What Merton writes is his own, subtle and intense. So small and genuine an achievement is worth consideration. The purpose of this review...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 243 sonal lay-offs, but up to August 25, 1944 there were only 55 annual wage plans in operation in this country. Most of them have been management-inspired and...
June 22, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 245 which constitute African change. He must be at home . . . with the practice of the whites in Africa. He must have acquired a firsthand knowledge of African thought...