In the National Self-Interest ALONG with our prayers of gratitude that the fighting in Europe is over goes a growing realization of the tasks lying ahead. We do not refer in this instance to the...
May 18, 1945 THE 'COMMONWEAL 109 San Francisco Dispatch T KNOW I ought to write about the Conference. I Five minutes ago I saw Mr. Molotoff. He walked right by me in the lobby of the Palace Hotel;...
The Structures of Liberation The actual state of French social and political groups Emmanuel Meunier YOU DO NOT remake a country with ideas, enthusiasm, or little clubs of reformers. All three...
114 THE COMMONWEAL May 18, 1945 Millionaire Wild-Catter T. D. LYONS WHEN BILL ROESER took the Keeley cure for debts (bankruptcy) Colonel Newell commented that "An oil wild-catter ought to have...
I18 THE COMMONWEAL May 18, 1945 Communications GERMANY Charleston, S. C. TO the Editors: Congratulations on Father Reinhold's courageous letter, "Germany," in the May 4 issue. Would that the...
120 THE COMMONWEAL May 18, 1945 PHILIP T. HARTUNG. The Two Argentinas JAMES MACGREGOR BYRNE ORTEGA Y GASSET in the "Revolt of the Masses" explains why nations that are traditionally enemies of...
May 18, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL The Esthetic Revolution CUTHBERT WRIGHT ROMANTICISM, said Hugo, is simply liberalism in the arts, and he meant, apparently, that the romantic movement was the belated...
May 18, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 125 More Books of the Week The Long Journey. Johannes V. Jensen. Knopf. $3.50. LAST fall the Nobel prize was awarded to Denmark's greatest living author, Johannes V....