The President Goes to Congress THE PRESIDENT'S appearance before a joint session of the Senate and the House did much to give point to the leading article in last week's Commonweal regarding the...
You Can't Marty a Filipino Not if you live in California Iris B. Buaken Of course it is very fine when there are bridesmaids and the dress is ordered and the refreshments, and the pastor...
Murch 16, 194; THE COM M ON W E A L 537 About English in Our Liturgy What its advocates ask for and why H. A. Reinhold IN ONE of his stirring "Inner Forums" Father Leo Trese has...
March 16, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 541 A Note on Adam Mickiewicz MICHAEL WILLIAMS SOME WEEKS AGO the editors of The ComMONWEAL sent me the monumental edition of the poems, and of some of...
542 THE COMMONWEAL March 16, 1945 Communications NEWMAN Hollywood, California. To the Editors: Some curious overtones in Cuthbert Wright's review of Father Benard's "A Preface...
March 16, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 543 The Screen Picture of Culture and Corruption IN attempting to film "The Picture of Dorian Gray," M-G-M set for itself a difficult task. On the...
544 THE COM MON WEAL March 16, 1945 When We're Green EDWARD SKILLIN, Jr. YEARS before I came to know at firsthand such highlights of living in a big unfriendly metropolis as the...
March 16, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 545 Editors' Choice Banshee Harvest. Jim Phelan. Viking. $2.50. Looking for a Bluebird. Joseph Weehsbtrg. H ought vn Mifflin. ...
March 16, 1945 THE COMMONWEAL 547 More Books of the Week They Dream of Home. Niven Busch. Appleton-Centurv $2.75. ESINCE Ulysses, and no doubt even before, the returning warrior has...