VOLt'ME XL! February 2, 1945 NUMBER 16 THE WEEK 387 THE POWERS OF LIFE Roger Caillois 390 POSTWAR AUTO EXPORTS Haviland F. Reves 394 TIlE STAGE Kappo Phelan 396 TIlE SCREEN...
The Powers of Life
A note on Andre Malraux's latest novel, "Struggle with the Angel" Roger Caillois The great French novelist, dndr~ Malraux, has been an active and prominent figure in the...
Postwar Auto Exports
T HAVILAND F. REVES HE GROWING hope of a great foreign market for American cars in the immediate postwar years is likely to prove at best an illusion, at worst an...
396 THE COMMONWEAL February 2, I945 production growth. Further, that very competi- tion has stimulated growth. All indications, however, point toward a solu-tion in a different form in Great...
THE COMMONWEAL February 2, I945 lessly set by Richard Ruchtarik and hideously costumed by Ladislas Czettel, only the music came through with any degree of clarity and wit. I could not, for...
400 THE COMMONWEAL February 2, I943 visited by his muse. If Tennyson, like others before and after him, occupied himself from his fiftieth to his seven- tieth year with epic and dramatic forms...
February 2, x945 THE COMMONWEAL 40I The Victorians also had trouble drawing a distinction between the baroque and the overstuffed, as their furni-ture testifies. Compare the magically and...
February 2, ~945 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 403 More Books of the Week
This Was My Newport. h4aud Howe Elliott. The llly- thology Company. $4. 66~ttAT IS IT lAKE? ~' Maud Itowe Elliott asked...
4o4 THE COMMONWEAL February 2, I945 antly episodic; its style, both rich in imagery and art-fully archaic, salted with provincial idiom. So hurry may mean loss. "Escape reading as it ought to...