In Wartime Washington A publisher finds himself on the War Labor Board F. V. Morley IN 1939 I had returned from England to America, and what with a natural preoccupation with the course of...
Inaction FORTY-SEVEN days ago as we write, President Truman sent to Congress one of the longest messages ever presented to that body. It contained a great variety of recommendations most of...
6} Good Neighbors in Boxcars A needlessly bungled job Elizabeth Ann Cooper IN RECENT WEEKS some slight attention has been paid in the press and government to one of the worst bungled of all...
68 Communications "PAINTING IN THE UNITED STATES" Sewicfcley, Pa. TO the Editors: During the past six years in some parts of the world not even an idea, much less an oil-painting, could cross...
69 The Stage & Screen The Assassin IRWIN SHAW'S picture of the Darlan murder, the fabulous Algerian scene, was seriously disappointing. The play's structure was weak: its action seemed...
70 Puck Was Right VERY often what makes one person laugh is not what makes another person laugh; something that sends me into stitches may leave you cold—or vice versa. I don't agree, however,...
7i And the Bush Was Not Consumed ANNE FREMANTLE IN HER QUITE admirable critical study of Virginia Woolf* Joan Bennett sets out to discover how her subject "ordered her world." And in no...
74 Corporatism GEORGE G. HIGGINS THE MAJORITY of those who criticize the Wagner Act are basically anti-union at heart. Not so Mr. Bernard H. Fitzpatrick, whose incisive study* of labor...
76 More Books of the Week The Polish Worker. Felix Gross. Roy. $3.00. 'TpHIS book is well written, well documented and X partial. Probably it is the only study in English about the Polish...