Need for a Settled Landscape WE WOULD make no pretense whatever of remembering very much of what we were taught in Geology I about the formation of this terrestrial globe—yet there are certain...
"... And Be a Man with Men' L. H. Myers and his forebears Anne Fremantle EVLN IN England, where son still follows rather through the same schools, into the same profession, whether the...
10 The Cedar Tree In the beginning, in the unbeginning Of endlessness and of eternity God saw this tree. He saw these cedar branches bending low Under the full exhaustion of the snow. And...
Literary Excesses A possible introduction to Saint-Exup\'ery Roger Caillois I MISTRUST the man of letters in the measure that his vocation places a distance between him and other men. It is...
14 Communications YOUNG DESTROYERS Tulsa, Obla. TO the Editors: Everyone reading Mr. Dutton's factual account of juvenile delinquency in your September 14 issue must have been shocked; must...
17 The Stage & Screen Carib Song THERE IS no question but that there are nuggets of excellence contained in Katherine Dunham's serious musical play of the West Indies, but unfortunately...
18 Walk, Don't Run SOME people find that crime-and-detection films clear the air and give temporary release that makes audiences think better. Perhaps this is so because the mysteries,...
October i9, i945 THE COMMONWEAL i9
Entrepreneur Under Six Flags EDWARD SKILLIN, JR. C OME WAR, depression, social revolution, there are always people who know how to land on their feet and...
More Books of the Week Bewitched Lands. Adolfo Costa du Rels. Translated by Stuart Edgar Grummon. Knopf. $2.50. THE MOST recently translated Latin American novel has for its scene the...
The Inner Forum 1945 Semaine Sociale FOR THE first time since 1940 French Catholics were free to hold a Semaine Sociale. It was the thirty-second annual conference on actual problems of modern...