Way Station or Terminal? IT IS NOT possible to go into much detail when you attempt to sketch the general framework of the reorganization of the world after the war in some five hundred words....
Mexico and the War Impacts on our southern neighbor Harry Sylvester IN VERA CRUZ, the pilots of the US Ferry Command sit around the sidewalk cafes on the Plaza and wait for the orders that...
The Fugitives A literary post-mortem Oliver W. Evans IT IS POLITE, in speaking of extinct literary movements, to say that they are gone but not forgotten; there is some embarrassment,...
Communications IT ALL GOES TOGETHER Cambridge, Mass. TO the Editors: The review of the Eric Gill volume "It All Goes Together" (June 16, 1944) seems to have confused Dr. Ananda...
The Stage & Screen Broken Hearts of Broadway IT WOULD BE interesting to know something about the Central Opera House way up east on Sixty-Seventh Street. Why it is called "Central" for...
Men Are Such Beasts IT IS obvious that when Jules Levey decided to make a film production of "The Henry Ape," he paid no attention to the stage directions that accompanied Eugene O'Neill's...
Editors' Choice Faith, Reason and Civilization. Harold J. Laski. Viking. $2.50. America and Two Wars. Dexter Perkins. Little. $2.00. Over-Proving His Case MR. LASKI has been one of the...
More Books of the Week Presidential Agent. Upton Sinclair. Viking. $3.00. JUST WHY, after some thirty years of writing, Upton Sinclair should have struck pay dirt is a mystery. This...
The Inner Ferum "The Annals of the Four Masters" ON JUNE 30 the Irish Free State is issuing new halfpenny and one shilling stamps to commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of the death of...