Our Own Post-War World WITHIN a day Senators heard two very serious pep-talks on the subject of insuring ourselves against economic disaster once this war's fighting is over. "Pep-talk" is...
Return to France A nation does not give itself to its heroes G. G. Paulding THE INVASION has changed everything. Before the invasion all you could do was to hold on to the simplest elements,...
226 THE COMMONWEAL June 23, 1944 National Health Service for Britain HILDE FITZGERALD THE BRITISH health services have long been in need of a thorough overhaul. Mr. Lloyd George's...
Two Poems Whom Time May Meet I can not think of anything so dead As a silenced factory and a silenced street Mapping it with nightness and hatred said By any passerby whom time may meet; Whom...
Love Gifts Wind has no form for eyes to see And envies the deep-rooted tree. Trees have no voice, nor wings to soar, And welcome wind as visitor. In their arms he finds a form; They learn...
Communications SINARQUISM Orleans, Mass. TO the Editors: "A Note on Sinarquism" is by far the best and most dispassionate account of the true nature of Sinarquism that I have read in either the...
The Stage & Screen That Old Devil FT! HERE was of course only one thing going on last X week—the Invasion of France—and for once, I wish I were a journalist rather than a weeklyist so that I...
Toujours Gai DETERMINED to give audiences food for song and laughter, the movies pop up with four new musicals. While these can't be said to vibrate with cheer from beginning to end, at least a...
Editors' Choice Land I Have Chosen. Ellin Berlin. Doubleday. $2.50. This Is Kate. Margaret Hard. Holt. $2.50. As Only a Pretty Girl Can WHO CAN look into the heart of a novelist and...
More Books of the Week The Spending Power*. A History of the Efforts of Congress to Control Expenditures* Lucius Wilmerding, Jr. Yale. $375. MR. WILMERDING, who is making himself an...
The Inner Forum "Better Men for Better Times9 THE COMMISSION on American Citizenship of the Catholic University of America was established by the American bishops five years ago in order to...