The Election THE OUTCOME of the 1944 elections peculiarly emphasizes the importance of the two-party system as a stabilizing factor in American political life. Once again we are...
118 THE COMMONWEAL November 17, 1944 I Never Thought of That H. A. REINHOLD IREMEMBER him well—tall, dark and handsome. A young ship's steward from Bavaria, always well dressed,...
120 THE COMMONWEAL November 17, 1944 His Ancestral Calling GABRIEL DAVIDSON IN THE spring of 1939 a young couple came to my office. "We have just come back from New Jersey, from the...
122 THE COMMONWEAL November 17, 1944 Landscape: Pasco, Wash. Pasco—Main Street—sewer for Hanford Hanford, Wash. greatest war project, construction, etc., in the U. S. no municipal...
November 17, 1944 THE COMMONWEAL 123 The Stage & Screen Ballet International HAVTNG acqu red the old Park Theater as a permanenc...
November 17, 1944 THE COMMONWEAL 123 The Stage & Screen November 17, 1944 THE C O M M O N W E A L 125 Depends on Your...
Children's Books—1944 MY IMPRESSION is that the war has had a notable effect upon the children's books published this year. There seem to be fewer of them, although full statistics are not yet...
November 17, 1944 THE COMMONWEAL 129 Editors' Choice Writers and Their Critics. Henri Feyre. Cornell. $3.00. The Green Years. A. J. Cronin. Little. $2.50. Bernard Baruch. Carter...
132 THE COMMONWEAL November 17, 1944 More Books of the Week John C. Calhoun—Nationalist, 1782-1828. Charles M. Wiltse. Bobbs. ...
134 THE COMMONWEAL November 17, 1944 The Inner Forum Festival at Assist THE Catholic Herald of London reports that the four-day religious festival honoring Saint Francis of Assisi,...