Hog Wild PRESUMABLY when these lines appear in print, Congress will have recessed. And it will have left behind it what, on balance, is a far from enviable record. Only the Senate has saved us...
Higher Learning and Unity By Jacques Maritain PROFESSOR JOHN U. NEF recently published an essay, "The Universities Look for Unity,"1 the importance of which must be particularly stressed. He...
293 The Strategy of Truth What OWI sets out to do for us* By Liam O'Connor TRUTH, it has been said, is the first casualty of war, and the propagandist is the assassin. ...
296 Ignacio Agramonte Cuban patriot By Silvia Brull HE WEARS spurs, high patent leather boots, a straw sombrero, this tall young man standing beside his horse, in a Cuban country lane,...
301 The Screen Look Away Look Away THE WAR-TIME argument between those who say we should have more escapist films and those who insist that every picture should show at least an awareness of...
3O2 Editors' Choice Mother Russia. Maurice Hindus. Doubleday. $3.50. Roughly Speaking. Louise Randall Pierson. Simon and Schuster. $2.50. Production as an End NOW THAT...
304 More Books of the Week Combined Operations. The Official Story of the Commandos. Macmillan. $2.00. WE HEAR much about the training received by the commando troops. In its...
305 The Inner Forum The Church Among the Indians IN THE long and bloody record of the white man's bungling of the Indian problem in America it is comforting to note that the Catholic Church...