The COMMONWEAL volume xxxvin April 30, 1943 number 2 THE WEEK 27 SCIENCE AND HUMAN AFFAIRS Hugh S....
Science and Human Affairs A report on recent utterances by two distinguished scientists. TWO presidential addresses intended for delivery before two famous scientific societies, in recent...
32 THE COMMONWEAL April 30, 1943 Although science is not capable of solving all problems even in the distant future,...
April 30, 1943 THE COMMONWEAL 35 enhances its prestige and gives it a priority when it conies to asking for additional...
36 THE COMMONWEAL April 30, 1943 the Air Force, and quite literally sent to college. They may take courses lasting...
38 THE COMMONWEAL April 30, 1943 much to make religion conventional and apart. Worship is consciously correlated with...
4o The Stage & Screen Tomorrow the World IN A plausible manner an American professor formerly taught by a German master (old style), whom the Master Race slaughtered, managed to get custody of...
4o The Stage & Screen Tomorrow the World IN A plausible manner an American professor formerly taught by a German master (old style), whom the Master Race slaughtered, managed to get custody of...
45 Editors' Choice One World. Wendell L. Willkie, Simon & Schuster. Pamphlet, $1.00. Cloth, $2.00. Mutiny in January. Carl van Doren. Viking. $3.50. Golden Wedding. Jo Pagano. ...
50 More Books of the Week Liturgy and Personality. Dietrich Von Hildebrand. Longmans. $2.00. IT IS an interesting accident that "Liturgy and Personality" should appear at the same time that...
April 30, 1943 THE COMMONWEAL 57 The Inner Forum Vernacular in the Liturgy THE LAST issue of Orate Fratres reported a...