THE WEEK Armistice, World Government Day THE CEREMONIES which surround November 11 every year of course not only honor the men who have fallen in the service of our country, but also signify our...
Two Conventions The Auto Workers and the AFL John G. Cort A SMART way for the casual observer to find out what American labor is up to would have been to read two adjoining columns in the New...
The Shield of Christendom A Polish answer to "The Frontier Issue" Waclaw Bitner THE EDITOR of The Commonweal has hospitably invited me to reply to the editorial in the October 15 issue on the...
Critique and Counter Critique FRANCIS WANENMACHER MANY readers must have enjoyed, in The Commonweal for September 3, the chapter, "My Father," from R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi's autobiography. There...
The Stage & Screen Slightly Married 1 IMAGINE enough has been said in this and every other column concerning the amount of pregnancy which is motivating the drama of our day. A little earlier in...
THE SCREEN Men Without Women WE ARE fortunate this week in having three war films of unsually high calibre. "Sahard' is the kind of fighting-in-the-desert movie that has been made before and will...
Editors' Choice Jan Smuts. F. S. Crafford. Doubleday. $3.50. What Men Live By. Leo Tolstoy. Pantheon. $2.50. Afrikaans Olympian PRECOCITY sometimes leads to preoccupation with learning for its...
More Books of the Week Journey Into America. Donald Culross Peattie. Hough-ton. $3.00. LURED by the daring of a challenge, Donald Culross Peattie has written his own interpretation of "the land of...
The Inner Forum For French Scouts We reproduce herewith the text of an address made by Archbishop Saliege of Toulouse to some French scouts leaving for compulsory labor in Germany. The text is a...