VOLUME XXXVlII October 1, 1943 XUM~E~ 24 THE WEEK 575 RELOCATION: CAMPS Harold 7. Felsecker 578 DISTRIBUTION, THERE'S THE RUB Edward Skillin, Jr. 580 BRIEF REPORT FROM THE...
THE COMMONWEAL October I, I943 Relocation Camps By HAROLD J. FELSECKER ~l" HATE Japanese Z" It is quite interesting to .It question those who are thus so certain about their feelings. They...
poured into the camps and many persons have left to accept these jobs. The government pays the train fare to the destination of each evacuee and in addition makes a grant of fifty dollars which...
October I, I943 THE COMMONWEAL Brief Report from the Dairy Farmer By PAUL H. LANDIS L AST FALL in almost every dairying community sale bills were posted announcing auctions for dis-...
584 THE COMMONWEAL October I, I943 go to the FSA representative in the county rather than the butcher. The biggest problem still is that of salvaging a sufficient number of high-grade dairy...
THE COMMONWEAL October I, I943 on the part of the public is really Mr. Rice's main idea as regisseur of the evening. If so, it does seem rather a commonplace to point out to him that no...
THE COMMONWEAL October I, I943 on the part of the public is really Mr. Rice's main idea as regisseur of the evening. If so, it does seem rather a commonplace to point out to him that no...
October I, z943 THE COMMONWEAL west. Jean Arthur plays this girl with just the right amount of anxiety to have a good time. She kisses her three city beaux goodbye and settles down to getting all...
Saint Paul's regret at the violence which has disturbed relations between his followers and those Jews who refuse the Messiah, and we are given an explanation of how proper feelings of charity...
October I, I943 THE COMMONWEAL Colored Hospitals T HE OPENING of the Holy Family Hospital in Ensley, Alabama, has brought to five the number of Catholic hospitals in the United States...