swept by like a fire to rage elsewhere. In the devastated and silent countries, in the defeated countries and in the countries defeated too but allied to Germany, in all that closed world which is...
"confined to persons of the Caucasian race," that the appellant was "clearly of a race which is not Caucasian," and that such a decision was "sustained by numerous scientific authorities, which we...
lyzed many an old-line craft union. Results have more than justified this course; progress has been steady on all fronts. The IUMSWA is authorized bargaining agent in eight of Bethlehem's nine East...
Views & Reviews BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS THE New York Times gave prominent position and ample space last Sunday (May 24) to a highly significant pastoral letter issued in Spain by the Bishop of...
creative artist. In correcting Mellquist's statement that "Whistler focussed" to "Whistler soft-focussed," Mr. Lane exposes himself to his own charge. The soft-focussed effect of Whistler's...
The Stage & Screen L'Annonce Faite a Marie FlUL CLAUDEL'S plays have been called "poetic arsenals against the modern world." It was an admirer who coined the phrase, but it does M....
To Thine Own Self Be True IF YOU were one of the enthusiastic readers of "This Above All," you're not going to approve of the changes made in the film. But if you were only mild about Eric...
sources than his hero seems altogether to justify. Kemble's life was passed in a London reflected in innumerable other pages, his managerial career in outline is of necessity, repetitious. Had Mr....
The Inner Forum The San Antonio Meetings A PPLICATION of the moral law to current and post-i\ war problems—national and international, social and economic—was the theme of meetings of the Catholic...