i i i VOLUME XXXV March 27, 1942 NUMSE~ 23 i THE WEEK 547 DR. JAMES J. WALSH Wilfrid Parsons 550 A SKIRMISH Franz Werfel 552 ARMCHAIR HUSBANDRY Edward...
550 THE COMMONWEAL March 27 , 1942 Dr. James J. Walsh By WILFRID PARSONS O N SUNDAY mornings, once a month about eleven o'clock, a telephone call would come from Dr. Walsh to the house...
A Skirmish
An excerpt from a forthcoming book, "The Song of Bernadette."* By Franz Werlel V ITAL DUTOUR, still thoroughly miser-able with his cold, had had nothing but a cup of hot broth....
even of some intriguing lawyer. The State with a poked out his tongue in derision at his own mir-capital S. Ha ha .... rored image. Then he consoled himself: Jacomet Frightened, he faced his...
good part of the day all year round. This means live-at-home farming with every feasible kind of fruit, vegetable, livestock. He maintains that this kind of husbandry means better living. Farm...
March 27, 1942 THE COMMONWEAL 56I Views Tv views For what they may be worth to those who may take a practical interest in this grave problem, in Washington or elsewhere, my personal opinions...
March 27, 1942 THE COMMONWEAL 56I Views Tv views For what they may be worth to those who may take a practical interest in this grave problem, in Washington or elsewhere, my personal opinions...
THE COMMONWEAL March :z 7, x942 Austrian-born London slavey who shelters refugee waifs in packing cases and dreams she is Cinderella. Prince Charming is the cockney policeman who suspects her of...
March 27, I942 THE COMMONWEAL superior officers is very much upset when their outfit be- comes mechanized. It's all supposed to be pretty sad. But of course Sgt. Beery, after threatening to quit...
his countrymen aim random shots at the indistinct machine overhead. Unquestionably, Salnt-Exup6ry has compressed within his narrative of a single day the most graphic and per-suasive account to...
THE COMMONWEAL March z7, z94z Next Week The Inner Forum
JAPAN OVER AUSTRALIA, by James G. Murfagh, a first-hand account by one of the editors of the Melbourne Advocate of the terrain for the...