r xxxv March 20, 1942 I~UMa~a 22 THE WEEK 523 CHURCH AND STATE IN FASCIST ITALY Count Carlo Sforza 526 HOLY IRELAND ? Oanid Marshall 530 WHY IGNORE CANADA? John S. ConnoUey...
Church and State in Fascist Italy
An appraisal of an important new book, together with important reminiscences. By Count Carlo Sforza M ANY American Catholics welcomed and respected in...
curry favor with the new ruler." I hope not to look clannish (after all, our two branches have been divided since the fifteenth century) if I state that such was not the case with the...
March zo, t94z THE COMMONWEAL Charlemagne placed them at the head of all the principal schools of his new empire; and they interlaid the rising structure of feudalism with respect for the weak,...
THE COMMONWEAL March zo, I94z States but knew what Canada, with its small popu- lation and limited resources, is doing in this war, how great is its contribution to the defense of this...
.~larch 20, i942 THE COMMONWEAL years must be conscripted "for all necessary military and civil duties"; all "national corporate wealth and its attend- ant institutions, such as banks, trusts and...
$36 THE COMMONWEAL March 2o, I942 Aeschylus' "The Eumenides" will be presented in the original Greek at the Fordham University Theater on the evenings of March 26, 27, 28 and 29. The sponsors feel...
Books of the Week The Leaven and the Loaf 1 I Dearly Beloved. Harry 8ylvester. Duell. $2.50. i NEVITABLY Harry Sylvester's first novel will pro- duce violent reactions. It would be...
March 2o, 1942 THE COMMONWEAL .~4t T An article by Rev. Lambert Erkens, the League's The Inner Forum spiritual director, tells of Bishop Thorarinn Sigurdsson of Skalholt, who in the fourteenth...