VOLUMEXXXV Jaff, lgcae~ 16, 1942 Nu~sza 13 THE WEEK 307 END OF PLOWING UNDER, I T. Swarm Harding 310 NATIONAL COMMUNISM IN GERMANY Otto Strasser 313 LIEF ERICSSON...
End of Ploughing-Under, I
A panorama of American agriculture and the Department that does its planning. By T. Swann Harding A S THESE lines are being written, the Na- tional Defense...
there will always be a residue of low-income and relief persons to be tided over by food-stamp, cheap-milk and school-lunch plans until they can earn and produce again. Today SMA also pur- chases...
3x6 THE COMMONWEAL January I6, X94a That, however, is only a beginning. Here is a literal quotation from an article in the nazi press, issued as advance publicity for the introduction of "standard...
3x8 THE COMMONWEAL January t6, x9r Catholics have not yet come to realize the neces- sity of educational endowments. And on educa- tional policy he says, "Now we see in the reaction led by Robert...
January z6, x942 THE COMMONWEAL 319 dent for the day b the evil thereof,' and while we must seek to estimate and guard against the coming dangers, our first job is surdy to do our Christian best...
32o THE COMMONWEAL January 16, 1942 a humanitarian intuition of the individual's private separa- tion, which is valid background for pathos but not for tragedy. Here is a triangle of the bored...
There h much worth reading, I say, but there is too much to be done in too short a time to have to read through mathematics, sociology and plane geometry--with snatches of Gog01, Tchekov,...