Feeding the Conquered Peoples WE HAVE stated that, as regards the European situation, we are neither for conciliation and compromise with the dictators, nor for war; and that we would make it our...
Can We Justify Neutrality? A plea for America's open participation in the war. By William M. Agar T HIS IS a serious time for America. We are rearming as rapidly as our late start allows. We have...
Childress' Books, 1940 T MAY be that this year I have been less conscientious, 1 or else that I am growing more used the delights to of juvenile literature, and hence have no longer any fine...
November 22, 1940 THE COMMONWEAL 125 The Jugular Vein of the British Empire By ARTHUR SETTEL O N A HOT afternoon in January, 1935, a short man with iron-grey hair and a sunburned face threw the...
126 THE COMMONWEAL November 22, 1940 Views & Reviews BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS WHEN Secretary of the Interior Ickes soon after the election issued a statement to the general effect that the fact that...
November 22, 1940 THE COMMONWEAL 127 The Stage El Screen Hollywood on Broadway THE REAL Hollywood is a state of mind rather than a place. As a state of mind it is material for art, but it should...
128 THE COMMONWEAL November 22, 1940 Getting Their Men-4nd Women WITH A GORGEOUS splash of color, Cecil B. DeMille brings us his "Northwest Mounted Police," a pageant in which the Mounties' vivid...
128 THE COMMONWEAL November 22, 1940 Books of the Week Not by a Novelist Who Walk zilone. Perry Burgess. Holt. $2.75. WHEN asked to review a book by Perry Burgess, the writer—who occasionally...
In The Groove VICTOR'S series of repressings under black labels, begun before the major companies cut prices, has held up very well, and attains a respectable eminence in its latest album, the...
134 THE COMMONWEAL Christmas Cards Go into Second Printing November 22, 1940 The Inner Forum Orders for sample sets and favorite cards bearing Commonweal Christmas greetings have been so heavy...