Victory for the President O NCE AGAIN President Roosevelt has won an overwhelming electoral college victory and a very substantial popular majority. The federal executive power has been committed...
International Law and Order Can we reduce principles to a practical program? By Charles G. Fenwick ALL OF US dislike to put ourselves through the severe mental discipline of thinking...
96 THE COMMONWEAL November 15, 1940 • cu r Reds in the Guild A loyal member considers the how and why of communists in Pegler's favorite union. By Frank Rahill C ONSPICUOUS among the trade...
Post Office Assist By TOMS HAUSER INCE Peter, although an alien, has a sense of S humor, I decided to call him this morning. "Do you want to grab what will probably be one chance in a lifetime?...
Vtews 75.vtews BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS T HE Christian Social Action magazine for November carries an article by its energetic editor, Mr. L-G. Deverall, which is a shocking example of voluntary...
The Stage €.9" Screen Panama Hattie THE DEMAND for seats for "Panama Hattie" is enormous, so against the suffrage of the people supported by the unanimous approval of the daily newspaper critics,...
Books of the Week More Chicago Irish Father and Son. James T. Farrell. Vanguard Press. $2.75. TUDS LONIGAN," the trilogy on which Mr. 0 Farrell's fame chiefly rests, may some day be regarded as...
104 THE COMMONWEAL November is, 194o "I flm Nobody. Who 'ire You?" P RESTON STURGES has done it again! Last time, in "The Great McGinty," it was politics that was being laid low and satirized in...
November 15, 1940 THE COMMONWEAL 109 tion, Father Divine, Harlem Hospital, and some clumsy press-agenting for McKay's newly-made friends, most of them just thrown out of the Russian-controlled...