Pope Pius XH's Five Points THE HOLY FATHER'S stirring plea for peace, Christmas Eve, was an appeal to the whole world for a return to a Christian spirit and to Christian principles. Yet it...
IN ONE SENSE of the word, civilization is not and cannot be in danger. Whatever revolutions and wars await us there can be no dark age such as enveloped the area of Mediterranean culture when...
DID YOU EVER notice the behavior of a dog toward the dry dead carcass of a bird or fish or animal ? What explanation is there for the perverse ecstasy he derives from wallowing in the remains...
IN THE NATURE of things there is nothing ludicrous in a fisherman's boast that he is saving his money in order to be able to send his son through college. Ordinarily that is a most laudable...
Each small resentful feather-ball, A rumpled) fractious scrap of brown, Is soap-box orator to all His affluent town. These are the humble-who-have-not, Yet never meek! With ruffled back Thejr...
IT WELL MAY be that future historians will record President Roosevelt's joint letter to Pope Pius XII, supreme head of the Catholic Church, to Dr. George A. B,uttrick, as representative of the...
15 YEARS Brooklyn, N. Y. TO the Editors: Permit me to bring to your attention that unfortunately due to an oversight your kind favor of October 27 has not been duly acknowledged. I wish you to...
When We Are Married IT IS BECOMING more and more evident that the talent of Mr. J. B. Priestley is not a talent for the theatre. In only one play, "Dangerous Corner," has the English novelist...
1939—A^l Gone, Gone With the Wind WE HAVE.waited a long time and finally it is here. Even with its faults, which it is by no means without, "Gone With the Wind" is worth waiting for and a great...
Three Novels To the End of the World. Helen C. White. Macmillan. $2.50. IT IS upon a large canvas that Miss White paints in this novel about the French Revolution; but though we catch glimpses...
CHRISTMAS VACATION is the occasJon for the annual meetings of various Catholic learned societies in the United States. This year, for instance, the American Catholic Philosophical Association met...