The COMMONWEAL ,4 Weekly Review o[ Literature the .4rts and Public .~1flairs FOUNDED BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS Editors: PH~IP BURNHAM EDWARD SJrrr.LlN, jg. H~Y LomN BINssE, Managing...
428 THE COMMONWEAL September I, 1939 New York Meeting An eye-witness account of a recent "Christian Front" meeting--without any comments. H ANDBILLS DISTRIBUTED around Columbus Circle and other...
September I, I939 T H E C O M The next speaker, Mr. Gilpatrick, is introduced as a student for the priesthood. He wears a two-inch crucifix pinned to his lapel. In accents manifestly imitating...
#3 z THE COM scale is Sweden. Here the significance of consumer's cooperation has transcended the more primitive purpose it serves in England in as much as it also provides, besides lower...
Raining Cats and Dogs "America becomes animal-conscious" with pets as well as farm animals. By Charles Morrow Wilson A MONG the wilder gulches of Arizona, on the Navajo reservation, I passed a...
September I, I939 T H E C O M finds counterpart in the modern story of the cat. We have no reliable statistics on cats, and no accredited breed registry. Somewhat more prolific than dogs, cats...
436 THE COMMONWEAL September I, 1939 ing does result, in spite of all diplomacy, and in spite of the yearning hope of the helpless millions of human beings who are today the mere pawns of the...
438 THE COMMONWEAL September I, 1939 What about Chrisitan ArtP I N AN article entitled, "The Liturgy As A r t " written expressly for the brilliantly edited, Liturgical Arts quarterly, Dora...
September I, 1939 THE COMMONWEAL 439 But art remains always essentially in the sphere of makin9 and it is by drudgery upon some matter that it aims at rejoicing the spirit. Hence for the artist a...
440 THE COMMONWEAL September x, I93 9 Books of the Week Rural Industrialism Factories in the Fields, by Carey MclJ/illiams. Boston: Little Brown and Company. $2.50. T HIS BOOK is a chapter in...
444 T H E C O M M O N W E A L September I, I939 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORYIGIRLS' SCHOOLS i College St. Elizabeth A Catholic College for Women, on the approved list of the Association of American...