The COMMONWEAL ./1 Weekly Revie,x o/Literature the Arts and Public ,,1flairs FOUNDED BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS Editors: PHILIP BURNHAM EDWARD SIr~.t.TN, yR. HARRY LoraN BI~SSE, Managing...
The Forgotten Nation of Europe A Ukrainian nationalist view of the history of this Slavic people. By Theodosia Boresky T O THE MAJORITY of people in Western Europe and America the Ukraine...
The Ukrainians in Poland An anonymous Polish view of the Ukrainian question. Geography G ALICIA is a name given in 1772 to an arbitrarily delimited part of Polish territory which was...
The Ukrainian Religious Problem A Polish view of the religious issues between Uniats, Catholics of the Latin rite and Greek Orthodox. By Alexander Syski T HE MAJORITY of Ukrainians are...
Poland and the Ukrainians Polish-Ukrainian relations in 1938 by a Ukrainian sympathizer who takes a broad view of the future. By Hugo Yardley I T WOULD be ungenerous to deny that in August,...
August 25, 1939 THE COMMONWEAL 417 BY ,5~IICHAEL WILLIAMS I I I HAVE RECEIVED from the publicity director of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, Mr. Victor Lo Pinto, a letter...
418 THE COMMONWEAL August 25, 1939 Communications THE TENDENCY OF CATHOLIC SOCIOLOGY Princeton, N. J. T O the Editors: I wish to assure Reverend Bernard Iddings Bell (August 4) and other...
42o THE COMMONWEAL August 2 5 , 193 9 i II Points & Lines Tactics A S THESE LINES are written, the largest army maneuvers in our history are being carried out by the War Department with Regular...
August 25 , I939 THE COMMONWEAL 42I The Screen Wharton and Baum in Cinemaland W ARNER BROTHERS' courage in producing "The Old Maid" deserves to be commended. Whether they will be rewarded...
422 THE COMMONWEAL August 25, 1939 Books of the Week Christians and Jews ff Christian Looks at the Jewish Question, by Jacques Maritain. New York: Longmans, Green and Company. $I.OO. T HIS...
424 T H E C O M M O N W E A L ~ugust 25, ~939 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORYMGIRLS' SCHOOLS ROSEMONT COIJ EGE ROSEMONT, P~. (~athoU~ OoUen for the Higher M d ~ of Women eenduete4 It7 the Re]J6'toux e l...