ii ill II The COMMONWEAL .,4 Weekly Review of Literature the Arts and Public Affairs FOUNDED BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS Editors: PHILIP BURNHAM EDWARD SKILLIN, JR. HAI~ty LoI~IN BINSSE, Managing...
Two Views of Leon B loy The publication of a translation of "The Woman Who Was Poor" leads two critics to speak their minds. By W. C~. Helmbold T HIS IS not a review of L6on Bloy's remarkable...
WPA Serves the Blind An account of one set of projects which certainly cannot arouse controversy. By Corinne T HE NATION'S blindmone hundred and twenty thousand men, women and children --are...
372 THE COM loaned. The book records are much less cumbersome than volumes in Braille. An average size novel, which would require from seven to ten volumes of Braille printing, can be recorded...
August I I , I939 THE COM America is our golden opportunity. Never have we been offered so fine a chance to promote both our Christianity and our democracy. When Christianity came into the...
376 THE COMMONWEAL August I I , I939 BY ,.q/IICH..4F~L WILLIACM8 I I HAVE received a remarkable letter from, apparently, the secretary, or publicity agent, of a group of Catholic laymen, which...
August xx, 1939 THE COMMONWEAL 377 Communications BROADCASTS TO LATIN AMERICA Buenos Aires. T O the Editors: Sir, having just received your paper (June 2) I note that Raymond Moley is exercised...
August ix, I939 THE COMMONWEAL 379 II I IJ No Place Like Home I. ~PEAKING before the National Conference on Christian Marriage at Washington last March, the Apostolic Delegate to the United...
380 THE COMMONWEAL August I I , 1939 The Screen Some Very Stout Fellas p ARAMOUNT could afford to be brave about running off for the critics the old silent "Beau Geste" a few days before...
380 THE COMMONWEAL August I I , 1939 The Screen Some Very Stout Fellas p ARAMOUNT could afford to be brave about running off for the critics the old silent "Beau Geste" a few days before...
384 THE COMMONWEAL August 1I, 1939 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY--GIRLS' SCHOOLS ROSEMONT COLLEGE ROSEMONTs PA. Catholle CoDege for the Higher ]Mueatiom of Womea eendueted by the KeU6.1ous ol the...