The COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review of Literature the Arts and Public Affairs FOUNDED BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS Editors: PHILUD BURNHA~ EDWARD S~r~.T.,N, ~L H/~ltY LORIN BXNSSE, Managing Editor Mxc'~L...
I44 THE COMMONWEAL June 2, I939 no reason for conscription in Northern Ireland now. This, he said, was a proposal by a foreign government to conscript Irishmen, and he resisted it with all his...
Dr. Hyde of Eire Something of the personal and literary quality of the Protestant scholar who was unanimously elected President of a Catholic country. By Padraie D UBLIN CASTLE is not a...
I48 THE COMMONWEAL June 2, I939 assuming men one could meet anywhere; he has never put himself forward as a writer. Once in a Dublin drawing-room I listened to a song that was being sung, "The...
A Fourth Century Modern The perennial problem of riches and poverty affected Saint John Chrysostom much as it affects contemporary Christians. By Donald S AINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, who...
I52 THE COM thing that then, as now, was looked on as a special way of life for monks and ascetics, whereas it really is the ideal that the gospel recommends to all. Obviously by almsgiving...
I54 THE COMMONWEAL June 2, 193 9 and the percentage of loss is very small, averaging somewhere around I ~ percent. In the gyp companies (no exact figures are ever available, even to their own...
June 2, I939 THE COMMONWEAL 157 justice and honesty in public life been commensurate with their numbers? Have we used the vast source of power that we control for the good of country, state or...
I 6 o THE C O M M O N W E A L J u n e 2, r 9 3 9 ernment may not be forced to take title to large quantities of wheat, Commodity Credit Corporation agents said. Much wheat might have been...
June 2, I939 THE COMMONWEAL r6I been seduced by the hortatory writings of those critical gentlemen who insist that Pegasus be exchanged for a mule, because a mule is more useful in everyday life....
I68 THE COMMONWEAL June 2, i939 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORYMGIRLS' SCHOOLS ROSEMONT COLLEGE ROSEMONT, PA. Catholic Collece for tho Hlgh~a" Edueatlon e~ Women conducted by the ReUgious of the SodetY...