War Aims Are Crystallizing FRANCE AND BRITAIN do not want more specific talk about war aims to interfere with their lining up of the neutral states. Yet popular demands for more definite...
I T'ITLER is sitting on a powder barrel. Until I the bomb went off in Munich on Novem-*• ber 8,,wiisskig Hitler by ten minutes, many observers believed rfiat the powder was too damp for an...
THE FRIDAY afternoon (October 27) session of the National Catholic Alumni FedeJration convention (the convention subject was "Man and Modern Secularism") was a climactic complenient to the...
LAST YEAR I was able to report rather favorably on the output of the publishers so far as literary pabulum for little folks was concerned. It seemed to me that the booi^ reached a high level,...
I HAVE BEEN reading a book by a former German soldier which contains much striking information concerning the situation of religion in Naziland and its prospects. Far more vividly than many a...
Thunder Rock ROBERT ARDREY is still a playwright of promise. Unforturiately, however, he has been this in all of his plays. He has imagination, he can write felicitously, he has a sense of...
"Proper Study of Mankind Is Man" YOU WONDER when you see "We Are Not Alone" that such a lovable, kindly, thoughtful doctor as is portrayed by Paul Muni ever happened to marry that severe,...
The Catholic Worker House of Hospitality, by Dorothy Day. New York: Sheed and Ward. $2.50. C t T j O U S E OF HOSPITALITY" is important beX A cause the Catholic Worker effort is...
THE NEW INTEREST manifested by the Church in the social question is reflected in certain items in the diocesan press on the Chrysler strike in Detroit. Commenting on a dispute taking place on the...