Birthday Gift IT TOOK an encyclical to make most of us realize that this is the sesqulcentennlal of the establishment of the hierarchy of the United States. Perhaps It is, as Pius XII Theirs Is...
IN A recent issue of THE COMMONWEAL an editorial note commented on the possibility of the official partial evacuation of many British industrial towns giving an "impetus toward actual...
THE WAR in Europe has focused the attention of America on the unhappy events now transpiring across the Atlantic. It is natural that many Americans should forget what is happening in Asia, But...
A NUMBER ojf Catholics and some Catholic publications have been taking pot-shots at the National Association of Broadcasters for ruling Father Coughlin off the air. There Is great...
WINSTON CHURCHILL'S message to the people of England and the British Empire speaks a language which expresses clearly several highly important aspects of the world situation which are often...
T O MY AMERICAN FRIENDS Avoise, Sarthe, France. TO the Editors: I have received T H E COMMONWEAL for October 13, and I thank you with all my heart for having published my article, "To My...
Life with Father THIS IS an altogether delightful comedy. Whether or not it completely visualizes Clarence Day's well known book I am unable to say, as I have never read it; all I can say is...
Ships, Murders and Kisses t t O ULERS OF T H E SEA" refers not to Sabatini l \ . pirates or British warships but to those pioneer vessels that first crossed the Atlantic by steam power alone and...
An Englishman in Mexico Mexico: An Object Lesson, by Evelyn Waugh. Boston: LittUj Brown and Company. $2.50. IN MANY RESPECTS, the Mexican proud of his nationality and tenacious of his religion...
IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES marked the celebration of the golden jubilee of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D. C. Pope Pius delivered his first broadcast in English for the occasion....