|UUl The COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review of Literature the Arts and Public Affairs FOUNDED BY MICHAEL WILLIAMS Editors: PHILIP BURNHAM EDWARD SKILLIN, JR, HARIY LORIN BINSSE, iltranaging...
Cooperation and Religion * The relation between religion and the cooperative movement defined and expounded. ByM. M. O NE OF THE Rochdale pioneers' fundamental principles, heartily endorsed...
Step-Children of the Fatherland An article written before war was declared which still has its point and poignancy. By Alice Timoney I HAVE VIEWED some of the waves of incoming German...
October 6, I939 THE COMMONWEAL 533 mately benefitted the country both spiritually and tangibly. A feeling of sympathy and tolerance enlarges the horizon not only of the individual, but that of a...
October 6, I939 THE COMMONWEAL 535 "They say there is to be another war. My father has often told me how in the last war he could sell a load of hay for enough money to pay a year's taxes, and...
536 THE COMMONWEAL October 6, I939 BY , 3 1 r WILLIdM$ I I W HEN ROBINSON CRUSOE in the solitude and isolation of his island life philosophised about his condition and prospects he committed to...
October 6, x939 THE COMMONWEAL 537 Communications NEUTRALITY Williamsport, Penna. T O the Editors: I have considered the very real danger that America may become involved in the second world...
538 THE COMMONWEAL October 6, 193 9 MINNESOTA HOBBLES LABOR New York, N. Y. T O the Editors: In his article entitled "Minnesota Hobbles Labor," appearing September 22, ~{r. Gilbert E. Carlson...
October 6, ~939 THE C O M M O N W E A L 539 congressional farm bloc had become obsessed with the belief that low-cost imports of Philippine sugar and cocoanut products were having a depressive...
54 ~ THE COMMONWEAL October 6, I93 9 Books of the Week Story and Theme Escape, by Ethel Vance. Boston : Little, Brown and Gompany. $3.00. I F "ESCAPE" is not forthwith converted by...
544 THE COMMONWEAL October 6, I939 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY--GIRLS' SCHOOLS SETON HILL COLLEGE Greensburg, Pennsylvania Degrees: B. A., B. Music, B. S. in Home Economies Pre-Medieine, Pre-Law,...