CAMPAIGN CONFUSIONS AS WE go to press, the Democratic Convention is midway in its inevitable business of rcnominating President Roosevelt. The last-minute demand of the five Democratic foes of the...
254 Week by Week CONGRESS adjourned and the Democrats assembled in Philadelphia. Both were normal events, but so many bewildering circumstances were attendant upon them that The ...
LABOR AND LAW By LAWRENCE LUCEY During the past year, the Supreme Court has challenged the validity of several laws affecting the status of labor. Do these decisions reveal merely the personal...
PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES By JAMES G. WINGO MANUEL LUIS QUEZON, the first native head of the government of the Philippines since they were conquered by Spain in 1570, is the...
26l A READING FROM RODRIGUEZ By PETER WHIFFIN OUR MONASTERY chapel that we call "the choir" is a long room, with an altar at one end and around the three sides the lecterns and stalls...
263 CONVENTIONAL CLEVELAND By HELEN WALKER HOMAN O CLEVELAND! Now that the tumult and the shouting have ceased—now that your broad thoroughfares are emptied of their throngs of...
264 Vision in Sainte Chapelle My spirit kneels here and I wonder why. Men say the faith that built these walls is dead. No tabernacle holds the Living Bread, No holocaust is raised to God...
265 The Church.—According to latest mission statistics Catholics number 7,218,631 in Asia, 5,476,332 in Africa and 908,703 in the East Indies and Oceania. Patients of mission dispensaries number...
268 Communications THE SUPREME COURT DECISION Chicago, 111. TO the Editor: In your editorial on "The Supreme Court Decision" you did remarkably well, but I believe you missed fire as you closed...
Books The Decameron and Saint Birgitta White Hawthorn, by Lucille Papin Borden. New York: The Macmillan Company. $2.50. IT IS not surprising that Lucille Papin Borden's many admirers have given...