BEING YOUNG IN 1935 HARDLY a day goes by that does not bring us a letter from some young, clean-cut man or woman inquiring whether a vacancy exists on the staff of The Commonweal. Often...
August 23, 1935 The Commonweal 395 Week by Week NOTHING could well be stranger or more troubling than the debates over the tax legislation to which Congress has devoted a whole...
August 23, 1935 The Commonweal 397 REDEEMING THE SOCIAL ORDER By C. J. EUSTACE THE SIXTH GENERAL COUNCIL of the United Church of Canada met last year and issued a manifesto,...
Cynthia I learned thee vein by vein and thought by thought; I dressed thy spirit by the body's glass, Till transport's seal of faith, no longer sought, In daily round would now occur and...
August 23, 1935 The Commonweal 399 1 JOHN PETER ZENGER By DANIEL J. McKENNA ¦>. t* y, THE CASE of the King versus John Peter Zenger involved the fundamental right of free men to...
PROBATION AND CRIME By LAWRENCE LUCEY DURING the course of the newspaper hue and cry over the Weyerhaeuser case there was much editorial criticism of parole. One editorial disdainfully...
August 23, 1935 The Commonweal 403 PASTEUR'S PROFESSION OF FAITH By G. BARRY O'TOOLE AS EVIDENCE of the simplicity of Pasteur's faith more or less garbled versions of the following...
404 Commonweal August 13, 1935 Seven Days1 Survey The Church.—At Strasbourg, Alsace, France, the National Eucharistic Congress was brought to a close by a Eucharistic Procession led by...
August 23, 1935 The Commonweal 407 Communications IL DUCE IN THE SPOTLIGHT Fiesole, Italy. TO the Editor: My copy of The Commonweal for July 12 reached me here yesterday. I find a strange...
'Books The Countess Matilda Not Built with Hands, by Helen C. White. New York: The Macmillan Company. $2.50. AGAIN Professor White has made her own novel, not only made it historical and...