IssueVol. 019 Issue 005 (December 1 1933)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Year Ahead
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review of Literature, The Arts and Public Affairs THE YEAR AHEAD Volume XIX Friday, December 1, 1933 Number 5 EDITORIAL BOARD MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Editor GEORGE N....
Paid articleWeek by Week
H4 THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 and the prayer of Christ. Passiontide marks the last two weeks of Lent, during which the liturgy of the Church draws upon its deepest sources of spiritual power...
Paid articleNecessity and Literature
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 117 ing it. And all that one has ever heard about the English spirit of imperturbability receives an equally satisfying illustration in the response which the angry...
Paid articleThe Poetry of Saint Thomas
Chesterton, G.K.
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 119 THE POETRY OF SAINT THOMAS1 By G. K. CHESTERTON IT IS often said that Saint Thomas, unlike Saint Francis, did not permit in his work the indescribable element...
Paid articleFactory Worker (verse)
Thompson, Dorothy Brown
I20 THE COMMONWEAL December I, 1933 scape outside. But the mind is active, and its activity consists in following, so far as the will chooses to follow, the light outside that does really shine...
Paid articleThe Pan-American Conference
jr, Oliver McKee
December I, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL I2I THE PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE By OLIVER McKEE, JR. AT MONTEVIDEO, "city of roses," republics of the western hemisphere will meet on December 3, in the seventh...
Paid articleMeaning of the Elections
Thompson, Charles Willis
124 THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 MEANING OF THE ELECTIONS By CHARLES WILLIS THOMPSON THE ELECTION was of vastly more serious portent and vastly more far-reaching revelation than most...
Paid articleChapel of the Perpetual Adoration (verse)
Underwood, Wilbur
126 THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 other Mayor of New York. Now that the passions of the campaign are over, nobody expects him to do anything rash or eccentric; very few were led to believe that...
Paid articleThe Turning Point of Today
Woodlock, Thomas F.
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 127 THE TURNING POINT OF TODAY By THOMAS F. WOODLOCK PROFESSOR MERCIER'S "Challenge of Humanism" is well named, for it is one of the few really important books...
Paid articleSagitta in Manu Potentis (verse)
Aquinas, M.Thomas
tab THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 The lack of this last link has no bearing what-ever upon the strength of the preceding links in the chain forged by Mr. More, and it is those links which are...
Paid articleThe Pope at Work
Phayre, Ignatius
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 129 THE POPE AT WORK By IGNATIUS PHAYRE CROSSING the noble Piazza di San Pietro last night at twenty minutes past twelve, I saw a light still burning in the Pope's...
Paid articleLight on Tuberculosis
Walsh, James J.
130 THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 LIGHT ON TUBERCULOSIS By JAMES J. WALSH THE ANNOUNCEMENT by Dr. Stephen John Maher of New Haven, Connecticut, of a gleam of hope in the treatment of...
Paid articleCommunications
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 131 for a time Koch's announcement of his discovery of the tubercle bacillus was used as a strong argument against the germ theory of disease which was then under...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, Richard Dana
December 1, 1933 THE COMMONWEAL 133 AID OUR LEPERS New York, N. Y. T O the Editor: Each year at this time the holy missionary priests and nuns in charge of the Catholic Leper Colonies stretch out...
Paid articleBooks
Belford, John L.; Agar, William M.; Vernon, Grenville; Brunini, John Gilland; Chase, Mary Ellen; Riggs, T. Lawrason
134 THE COMMONWEAL December 1, 1933 what is happening to her. Then, too, there is Joyce Clyde, who understood Martin so well as a child, and now loves what is left of the child in George. Perhaps...
IssueVol. 019 Issue 006 (December 8 1933)
IssueVol. 019 Issue 007 (December 15 1933)
IssueVol. 019 Issue 008 (December 22 1933)
IssueVol. 019 Issue 009 (December 29 1933)
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