IssueVol. 016 Issue 001 (May 4 1932)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleWe Appeal to Our Readers
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review oF Literature, The Arts and Public Affairs Volume XVI New York, Wednesday, May 4, 1932 Number x Ev_rrO~AL Bo~ MXCHAn. Wn.~AMS, Editor Gzoac~z N. SIzvszlzz,...
Paid articleWeek by Week
2 THE COMMONWEAL May 4, 1932 i COMMONWEAL could continue its work, or would be obliged to go out of existence. The problem confronted by the Board of Directors was briefly as follows: Although...
Paid articleLooking at the Basement
May 4, I932 THE COMMONWEAL 5 deliberately touched it up, to make a case; or she is herself a "problem," whose unconscious editings and subversions of fact testify to a permanent maladjustment....
Paid articleLeadership and the Masses
Sands, William Franklin
May 4, I932 THE COMMONWEAL 7 LEADERSHIP AND THE MASSES By WILLIAM FRANKLIN SANDS I NI93o Don Jos6Ortega y Gasset published in Madrid "La rebeli6n de las masas," a study of the very modern...
Paid articleThe Hapsburgs Return
Cunningham, Charles
May4, x932 THE COMMONWEAL 9 THE HAPSBURGS RETURN By CHARLES CUNNINGHAM I F IT sounds unpleasantly dogmatic to start like that, you must hold me excused for the good and simple reason that the...
Paid articlePlease Take Me Fishing, Saint James
Homan, Helen Walker
May 4, I932 T H E C O M M O N W E A L I I PLEASE TAKE ME FISHING, SAINT JAMES By HELEN WALKER HOMAN T HIS may strike you as a very odd request, Saint James--and I am addressing you, the...
Paid articleOur Southwestern Problem
Kelley, Francis C.
May 4, I932 THE COMMONWEAL 13 that you were found and honored again. Then, it is related, Theodomir, Bishop of Iria, investigated rumors that strange, beautiful lights had been seen to glow over...
Paid articleA Great Catholic Composer
Lavauden, Thérèse
May 4, 1932 T H E C O M M O N W E A L I5 A GREAT CATHOLIC COMPOSER By THERESE LAVAUDEN B Y THE death of Vincent d'Indy, which occurred in Paris on December 4, 193I, France lost not only one of...
Paid articleSonnet of Little Memories (verse)
Owen, Louise
I6 THE C O M M O N W E A L May 4, I932 strove to free himself of a tutelage beneficial in youth but superfluous and even damaging to the adult whose inspiration was sufficiently clear and lucid...
Paid articleThe Provincial New Yorker
Bunker, John
I6 THE C O M M O N W E A L May 4, I932 strove to free himself of a tutelage beneficial in youth but superfluous and even damaging to the adult whose inspiration was sufficiently clear and lucid...
Paid articlePrayers for a Robin (verse)
Ailing, Kenneth Slade
May 4, I932 T H E C O M M O N W E A L x7 island of Manhattan. At any rate the ancient influences of place and neighborhood have gone by the board, and his actions take their color from the fact...
Paid articleCommunications
May 4, I932 T H E C O M M O N W E A L x7 island of Manhattan. At any rate the ancient influences of place and neighborhood have gone by the board, and his actions take their color from the fact...
Paid articleIn and Out of the Theatre
Skinner, Richard Dana
May4, x932 THE C O M M O N W E A L 2I IN AND OUT OF THE THEATRE By RICHARD DANA SKINNER The Theatre in Art Exhibition T HE THEATRE of today evokes a sprawling state of mind. Its best qualities,...
Paid articleBooks
Haley, Carmel O'Neill; Engels, Vincent; Brunini, John Gilland; Shuster, George N.; Thompson, Frederic; Jacobi, Joseph
2 2 i THE C O M M O N W E A L 1 u . i May 4, 1932 behind the authority of an ample reputation as a director. But this does not alter the fact that he writes wholly without a sense of the...
IssueVol. 016 Issue 002 (May 11 1932)
IssueVol. 016 Issue 003 (May 18 1932)
IssueVol. 016 Issue 004 (May 25 1932)
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