IssueVol. 011 Issue 009 (January 1 1930)
IssueVol. 011 Issue 010 (January 8 1930)
IssueVol. 011 Issue 011 (January 15 1930)
IssueVol. 011 Issue 012 (January 22 1930)
IssueVol. 011 Issue 013 (January 29 1930)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleInside and Out
INSIDE AND OUT THE world is pooling its well-being to such an ex-tent that the international result of Wall Street's disastrous little game has not gone unnoticed. Indeed some observers have...
Paid articleWeek by Week
WEEK BY WEEK The Big Ships WHATEVER else comes out of the London con-ference, it now seems likely that there will be an agreement to postpone replacement of obsolete battleships from 1931 to 1936....
Paid articleThe Pope and Education
THE POPE AND EDUCATION THE recent papal encyclical letter regarding educa-tion contains, so far as we have been able to judge, nothing intrinsically new. Indeed it would be wrong to expect...
Paid articleScience Again
SCIENCE AGAIN WHAT has been erroneously called the conflict between science and religion is unnecessarily kept alive, as many other human quarrels unfortunately are, not by any necessary antagonism...
Paid articleThe Cross and the Eagle
Wickham, Harvey
THE CROSS AND THE EAGLE By HARVEY WICKHAM Events in Rome have been so universally significant and interesting that we have thought it well to supplement the paper by Umberto Guggieri, published...
Paid articleThe Little Church
Cahalan, John C. Jr.
THE LITTLE CHURCH By JOHN C. CAHALAN, jr. IN OUR town-for many and good reasons-we are much given to the use of adjectives, mostly superlative ones. So, if I am to locate the little church for you...
Paid articleStudy in Frost (verse)
Cooksley, Bert
Study in Frost The laughter of the heart will never learn The wherefore of the silence in the brain. They are a child and parent who must turn Unto each other and beseech in vain. That...
Paid articlePalestine Problems
Crabites, Pierre
PALESTINE PROBLEMS By PIERRE CRABITES FOR centuries a Moslem soldier kept guard, day and night, at the altar which marks the birthplace of the Saviour. Another stood, with fixed bayonet, in the...
Paid articleWild Swans (verse)
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram
Wild Swan The afternoon was one that might have merged In nebulae of afternoons as bright Had not three wild swans made it memorable And touched it so immortally with white. Slowly they went, a...
Paid articlePaul Scheffer Leaves Russia
Glassman, Leo M.
PAUL SCHEFFER LEAVES RUSSIA By LEO M. GLASSMAN That conditions in Russia have changed not a little since Stalin forced the redoubtable Trotsky out of the country is evident. The same Stalin has...
Paid articleSaint Catherine's Isle
Frant-Walsh, Joseph
ST. CATHERINE'S ISLE By JOSEPH FRANT-WALSH IF YOU look westward from the hills of Palos Verdes upon the California coast, you will see the island of Santa Cata-lina floating, as you may suspect,...
Paid articleDiscipline (verse)
Duggan, Eileen
Discipline Life brings me blows instead of balms. Ah well, such roughness has its use, Milk-moody heifers will go-dry Beneath a hand that's loose. Some blossoms sulk their honey too. I, as a...
Paid articleMoss
Merryman, Mildred Plew
MOSS By MILDRED PLEW MERRYMAN THERE was moss on the live-oaks which surrounded the cabin, long, drooping grey strands that swayed in the wind like hair. Wisps of it fell and caught on her clothes,...
Paid articleCommunications
COMMUNICATIONS AMERICA AND THE AGED New York, N. Y. TO the Editor:-Please permit me to present a few criticisms of an article in The Commonweal for December 18, by Professor Carlton J. H. Hayes...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, Richard Dana
THE PLAY By RICHARD DANA SKINNER Death Takes a Holiday THIS play, from the original Italian by Alberto Casella, has been a long time in reaching the New York stage. For some years Norman Geddes...
Paid articleBooks
Gillis, James M.; Chase, Mary Ellen; Kerwin, Jerome G.; McGuire, Harry; Boyd-Carpenter; Cummins, Evelyn A.; Farley, Ambrose; O'Brien, John C.
BOOKS Strange Companions The Drift of Civilization, a Symposium: The Future of Science; The Future of Man; The Future of America. New York: Simon and Schuster. $3.00. WHEN Socrates sat with his...
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