IssueVol. 009 Issue 018 (March 6 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 019 (March 13 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 020 (March 20 1929)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Revolt in Mexico
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review o? Literature, The Arts, and Public Affairs. Volume IX New York, Wednesday, March 20, 1929 Number 2o EDITORIAL BOARD MXCHAEL WXLLXA~S, Editor GZORGZ N. SHUSTER,...
Paid articleWeek by Week
554 THE COMMONWEAL March 2o, I929 from principle. And that the worst form of barbaric caesarism has flourished in Mexico for two years is evident from the records of an exceedingly bitter...
Paid articleThe Root Denominator
558 THE COMMONWEAL March 2o, 1929 THE ROOT DENOMINATOR T HE surprise engendered by the Coolidge administration's last international gesture lay not in this country's wish for an exchange of...
Paid articleMr. Hoover Begins
558 THE COMMONWEAL March 2o, 1929 THE ROOT DENOMINATOR T HE surprise engendered by the Coolidge administration's last international gesture lay not in this country's wish for an exchange of...
Paid articleScientific Research and Religion
Herzleld, K. F.
560 THE COMMONWEAL March so, I9z9 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND RELIGION By K. F. HERZFELD W E OFTEN hear the complaint that the present age is unchristian, and especially unCatholic, in its...
Paid articleRelease (verse)
Ramsay, Joan
56z THE COMMONWEAL March zo, I929 and therefore man must be a machine. Unfortunately, some theologians take such conclusions seriously, and proceed to argue in reverse fashion that because the...
Paid articleCaptains of the Modern Soul
Shuster, George N.
March 2o, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 563 CAPTAINS OF THE MODERN SOUL By GEORGE N. SHUSTER T HIS article proposes to be, quite specifically, in praise of the Benedictine ideal. It can be...
Paid articleAgostino Gemelli
Hughes, Henry Louis
March 20, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 565 encompassing the modern soul. Add it to the ideal professed by Heidelberg, and you have the meaning of genuinely European civilization in a nutshell. The modern...
Paid articleAuthors, Haughty and Humble
Burton, Richard
March 2o, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 567 AUTHORS, HAUGHTY AND HUMBLE By RICHARD BURTON T HE almost inconceivable hauteur of authors of a slightly older day comes as a shock to our modern democratic...
Paid articleThe Ghostly Men as Historians
Dinnis, Enid
March 2% I929 THE COMMONWEAL 569 THE GHOSTLY MEN AS HISTORIANS By ENID DINNIS I T IS far more fashionable nowadays to be interested in what a man thinks than in what he does. We have passed the...
Paid articleAnnunciation (verse)
Duggan, Eileen
57 ~ THE COMMONWEAL March 20, I929 done, whereas ours is a cunning rogue. The ghostly men gave the name of hypocrite not only as we do, to men who feigned goodness, but to men who...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
March zo, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 571 THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER Katerina T HE strength of many Russian writers lies in their powerful portrayal of half-truths. Leonid Andreyev, the author of...
Paid articleCommunications
572 THE COMMONWEAL March 20, I929: a serious toll even from those who are partly victims of example and environment. The worthwhile points in Flight are fairly obvious. It does show a girl of...
Paid articleBooks
Repplier, Agnes; McCormick, John F.; Gill, Roderick; Brégy, Katherine; Engels, Vincent; Blassingane, Lurton; McEntee, Georgiana Putnam; Canisius, Sister Mary
574 THE COMMONWEAL March 20, 1929 BOOKS Stevenson and Others The Colvins and Their Friends, by E. ~'. Lucas. New York: Charles 8cribner's Sons. $5.oo. R EADERS of Mr. Henry James will remember...
IssueVol. 009 Issue 021 (March 27 1929)
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