IssueVol. 009 Issue 018 (March 6 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 019 (March 13 1929)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleVincennes Looks Back
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review of Literature, The Arts, and Public ARair,. Volume IX New York, Wednesday, March 13, 1929 Number 19 EDrr0RIAL BOARD MICH~ W~.XZAMS, Editor G~o~c~ N. SHUSrSR,...
Paid articleWeek by Week
526 T H E C O M M O N W E A L March 13, 1929 the fighters and the pioneers, were opening up a land for some better reason than that we should grow fat upon it. It can be paid if we shape our...
Paid articleFor a Coherent China
March I3, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 529 plan would work its greatest good. The scholarship student, as a rule, duplicates his high school marks in college; but since his tuition is assured,...
Paid articleThe Hurrah Express
53 ~ THE COMMONWEAL March x3, I929 hopes to strengthen the Soviet position in Siberia and northern China. Nor is the annexation of Manchuria an utterly remote possibility. These are perils...
Paid articleThe Disappearing Orator
March I3, I929 THE COMMONWEAL J3t cadre--into which all surviving beauty was cast. Were Europe to change its mind radically, to admit that a washing machine is really the finest token of...
Paid articleWomen in Congress
Anderson, George E.
532 THE COMMONWEAL March 13, 1929 WOMEN IN CONGRESS By GEORGE E. ANDERSON T EN years or so ago, when the suffrage movement had attained a certain degree of success in most of the states of the...
Paid articleSir Bertram Windle
Walsh, James J.
534 T H E C O M M O N W E A L March I3, I929 woman a certain prominence which often is of value, and in most cases certainly more than balances that lack of more general contact with other...
Paid articleWhat Shall the Faithful Sing?
Wright, Cuthbert
536 THE COMMONWEAL March I3, x929 i ,,m i im i i . i WHAT SHALL THE FAITHFUL SING? By CUTHBERT WRIGHT I N PRESENTING a theory long studied and logically worked out, it is sometimes the...
Paid articleThe Newest Weapon
Brown, Paul
538 THE COMMONWEAL March 13, 1929 THE NEWEST WEAPON By PAUL BROWN M ILITARY changes occur slowly, always as the result of inevitable necessity. For centuries there was no alteration in the...
Paid articleSuccess (verse)
Ward, William Allen
March I3, I9z9 THE COMMONWEAL 539 sarily result, particularly if removal and treatment are prompt. There was only one other general class of gas used; the vesicant compounds. These were gases...
Paid articleThe Maryland Tercentenary
Shriver, Mark O.
540 THE COMMONWEAL March 13, 1929 THE MARYLAND TERCENTENARY By MARK O. SHRIVER I T IS yet five years to the spring of 1934 and the tercentenary of the landing in St. Clement's Bay of Leonard...
Paid articleRiver Changes
Cram, William Everett
March 13, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 54I i i i . l l | i ,. that the largest possible number of citizens might have a share in the activities, and so that Maryland's contribution to the welfare and...
Paid articleCommunications
542 THE COMMONWEAL March I3, I929 river, as it was in the days of the uncleared forest when first it was given that name. The feeling of regret for a thing that is past; those bygone days of...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
544 T H E C O M M O N W E A L March I3, I9z 9 9 i THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER The Kibitzer I AM inclined to disagree broadly with those critics whose praise of this play centered largely on...
Paid articleBooks
Ryan, John A.; Chase, Mary Ellen; Anderson, Walter V.; Larsson, R. Ellsworth; Martens, Frederick H.; Turner, A. Campbell; Hennrich, Kilian J.; McCahe, George
March 13 , 19o.9 THE COMMONWEAL 545 progress of events, but in spite of your better judgment you will probably find that you are experiencing a good deal of harmless enjoyment. The action, such...
IssueVol. 009 Issue 020 (March 20 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 021 (March 27 1929)
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